Zustand vs Redux: Detailed Comparison of React State Management Libraries
Zustand is gaining popularity among developers due to its simplicity and efficiency, and it is quickly establishing itself within the React ecosystem.
Having used both libraries, I primarily use Zustand. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on the project’s size, complexity, and developer preference.
- How to use Redux
- How to use Zustand
- Convenience
- Developer Level
- Performance (Speed Differences)
- Memory Usage
- Other Differences
Since Redux is slightly more rigorous in its usage, let’s start with an overview of how to use Redux.
How to use Redux
- Define State Structure: Design the structure of your state and decide what data will be included in the global state management.
- Define Actions: Actions are objects that reference state changes. Action creators are functions that return action objects.
// Define action types
// Action creators
function increment() {
return { type: INCREMENT };
function decrement() {
return {…